Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another drop of Truth From Israel

Must watch and send to everyone you know. Jews are being murdered daily, nobody says a word. SPEAK UP NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE.

Before you boycut Israel watch this

Obama is making it clear they will NOT support Israel:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Americans Stand Up Against Radical Islam In New York

On Sunday, June 6th, a multi-ethnic, multi-racial coalition of Americans opposed to Islamic violence and intolerance rallied at the site of the World Trade Center in New York City .

Have  you seen this on your Television? NO! you know why?

Please I want your opinion, check this out and tell me why you did not hear anything about it on any media.
MSNBC &; CNN apparently were told to not cover this !!
The following pictures and comments from protesters speaks volumes to the huge issues before the U.S. Citizens .

                                                          We Will Not Submit!

Not one major network sent a satellite truck or camera crew to this event. Without bloggers this newsworthy event would have remained unknown to the public and history

The issues at stake will certainly affect the heart of American freedom, democracy, cultural values and tolerance. America is a tolerant country that allows for the free worship of all its citizens. But our tolerance has limits. Do we have to tolerate intolerant Islamic ideology and Muslims who preach intolerant Islam?

9/11 families were joined by immigrants from India, Russia, Egypt, Israel, Africa, Iran and Europe to show opposition to the construction of a mega-mosque at Ground Zero. Others flew in from overseas to speak or just to share their particular ethnic communities experiences at the hands of Muslims.

Thousands of additional participants filled the treed area of Zuccotti Park .

Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are the founders of STOP ISLAMIZATION OF AMERICA, which sponsored the rally. Ms. Geller is a citizen journalist and blogger who runs the human rights web site Atlas Shrugs. Mr. Spencer is the author of several books on Islam and head of the influential web site Jihad watch. Pamela Geller:

Ground Zero is a war memorial, Ground Zero is a burial ground. We are asking for sensitivity…It is unconscionable to build a shrine to the very ideology that inspired the jihadist attacks at Ground Zero, right there. We are asking the imam Rauf and Daisy Khan to be sensitive. For mutual respect and mutual understanding that is demanded of us every day.

There's a hair-trigger sensitivity in the Muslim world, you can't run the cartoons, you can't say Mohammed, this is offensive. This is an offensive mosque. To build a shrine, an Islamic flag of conquest on the sacred ground the cherished site, of a conquered land. This is historic, this is Islamic history. It's what they do. The St. Sofia in Turkey , the al-Quds, at the holiest Jewish site in Israel . Not here. This is where we take a stand. We must take a stand. We must say no.

I do not believe that the landmarks commission controlled by Mayor Bloomberg, is going to stop this mosque. It's not going to happen. Here's Omar Muhamedi, on his human rights council, a CAIR lawyer, who sued the airlines and the Jane and John Does that saw something and said something on those airplanes, if you remember. That's who's on his human rights commission. It ain't gonna happen with Bloomberg. We have to make it happen. You have to get involved. (Pamela Geller)

Police enclosure on left, with crowd flowing out of park on right. The new Tower 7 and World Trade Center site are in the background. The green tent, center, is located immediately behind the stage.

Port Authority and NYPD officers kept watch over the rally and were well aware of the need for heightened security at this event. One of their own Port Authority officers, WTC Sergeant Alan T. De Vona was on duty at the World Trade Center on 9/11, 2001, and was one of the first to help victims of the terrorist attack. He spoke these words to the SIOA rally:

It's almost nine years. I'm hoping that America is watching. I'm hoping that America is remembering. Because, make no mistake. September 11 was an act of war. And thank the military that has lost almost 5,000 troops from that day, defending us. I don't know what to say to jar America 's memory. I want America to remember.

Port Authority Police and FDNY firefighters are seen here gathered beneath this banner.

The issues at stake will certainly affect the heart of American freedom, democracy, cultural values and tolerance. America is a tolerant country that allows for the free worship of all its citizens. But our tolerance has limits. Do we have to tolerate intolerant Islamic ideology and Muslims who preach intolerant Islam?

Hindu human rights activists Narain Kataria, Prasad Yalamanchi and unidentified friend came from Mississippi and Chicago with banners and flyers highlighting the radical statements of imam Rauf and his jihadist roots.

The rally took place just a minutes walk from Ladder 10 Firehouse, where their loved ones were stationed for duty

that terrible day. Ladder 10 lost seven firefighters.

Crowd estimates ranged from 5,000 (NYPD) to 10,000. The crowd overflowed the police barrier enclosures that ran the full length of two city blocks. This photo shows the enclosure in front of the stage at the intersection of Liberty and Church Streets. The second enclosure ran the length of the next block and can be seen on the other side of the traffic lights.

Thousands of additional participants filled the treed area of Zuccotti Park .

Ground Zero is a war memorial, Ground Zero is a burial ground. We are asking for sensitivity…It is unconscionable to build a shrine to the very ideology that inspired the jihadist attacks at Ground Zero, right there. We are asking the imam Rauf and Daisy Khan to be sensitive. For mutual respect and mutual understanding that is demanded of us every day.

There's a hair-trigger sensitivity in the Muslim world, you can't run the cartoons, you can't say Mohammed, this is offensive. This is an offensive mosque. To build a shrine, an Islamic flag of conquest on the sacred ground the cherished site, of a conquered land. This is historic, this is Islamic history. It's what they do. The St. Sofia in Turkey , the al-Quds, at the holiest Jewish site in Israel . Not here. This is where we take a stand. We must take a stand. We must say no.

I do not believe that the landmarks commission controlled by Mayor Bloomberg, is going to stop this mosque. It's not going to happen. Here's Omar Muhamedi, on his human rights council, a CAIR lawyer, who sued the airlines and the Jane and John Does that saw something and said something on those airplanes, if you remember. That's who's on his human rights commission. It ain't gonna happen with Bloomberg. We have to make it happen. You have to get involved. (Pamela Geller)

Stephen Dyer and Gary Jules journalism students at York College, with Pamela Geller. Not one major network sent a satellite truck or camera crew to this event. Without bloggers this newsworthy event would have remained unknown to the public and history.

Pamela Geller is greeted by Hindu human rights activists Prasad Yalamanchi and Narain Kataria.

Bhupinder Singh Bhurji, Pamela Geller, and Robert Spencer. Singh Bhurji is the president of the NAMDHARI SIKH FOUNDATION. The foundation is a member of the Human Rights Coalition Against Radical Islam (HRCARI). HRCARI is a coalition of Hindus, Sikhs, Christians from Sudan, Egypt and Iraq, moderate Muslims and Jews — who are victims and targets of radical Islam around the globe. He said, at another rally:

Radical Islamists are killing people in India , trying to dominate that nation. And here too they come with violence against infidels. We are infidels united, standing together, brown, black and white, against this epoch's fascist movement. Radical Islam wants to dominate entire world. They want everyone to surrender. Islam radical or otherwise. They want to put the Islamic flag on White House.

Because of Islamic terrorism, America and the world have seen massive new security measures become a way of life. Anyone openly critical of Islam, or terrorist ideology, must surround themselves with security, or live in hiding. Those courageous enough to confront Islamism are criticized by the cowards and appeasers of the left who seek safety by supporting the enemy. Moderate Muslims were silent when Theo van Gogh was brutally murdered in Amsterdam, just as moderate Muslims in the United States are generally reluctant to speak out against violent Islam. Moderate Muslims also face great danger in speaking out.

Geller and Spencer will press on despite the danger. They hope to inspire Americans to stand up and say enough of political correctness and work to stem the galloping islamization of America and Europe .

Because if Obama did control the internet..........

you would never see this email and you would
ONLY see those items he wanted you to see!!!!!!

Please give me your opinion, Why didnt we see such huge event on televison, nor heard it on radio.
Did you hear about this?
What do you think?
Your opinion is a matter of life and death and freedom, please take a moment to join the discussion

Sunday, August 22, 2010

ObamaLand Is Turning Jihad

Jihad: "As American as Apple Pie"… A post by Nautikos from

I thought this was the most important information that Americans must read, so here it is.

While Iran is firing up its first nuclear power plant; as Ahmadinejad is announcing proudly that Iran now has developed an ‘Ambassador of Death’; while the Taliban, far from being defeated, are gaining in Afghanistan; while Somalia is rapidly turning into another haven and development base for international Islamo-Fascism; and finally, as Obama and Bloomberg are using their political clout to advance the project of building a Muslim mosque-cum-outreach-community center next to the site former WTC, a project doubtlessly designed to serve the hundreds of thousands of Muslims thronging the New York financial district each day, or maybe just to send a signal – ‘yes, we have arrived’ – while all this and more is going on, there are other developments you might find interesting and possibly distressing.

What I find most distressing about all this is that there appears to be a certain inevitability about it. Why that should be so is something that would require vastly more time than I have available. But let me remind you of that old Arab saying, ‘When the camel’s nose is in the tent, the camel is in the tent.’ I suggest the camel’s nose has made its way in…And while I have little time to devote to this, others have, and I suggest you take a look at this article by Paul Sperry.

[I have highlighted a passage that I find particularly telling, which coincides with my own assessment, namely that ‘moderate’ Muslims remain silent.]

Under New American Management Al-Qaida Now Poses Inner Threat

By Paul Sperry, Investor's Business Daily, August 13, 2010

If al-Qaida looks and sounds different as we approach 9/11's ninth anniversary, it's because it's under new American management. No fewer than four U.S. citizens and a permanent U.S. resident have risen to senior leadership posts.

These five English-speaking leaders are actively planning or facilitating attacks against their countrymen, while recruiting and radicalizing other American turncoats to carry them out.

By remaking itself into an American enterprise, al-Qaida is now more lethal than ever. Its new generation of leaders understands the way America works, having lived here for decades. They have a better sense of our security blind spots. They also know which kinds of attacks will produce both mass panic and maximum economic damage.

Al-Qaida's indigenous rebirth, moreover, befogs our military strategy. We're no longer at war with just a foreign enemy, but fellow Americans recruited by the enemy. They're supplied, in turn, by a seemingly endless stream of homegrown foot soldiers, fed by a native Muslim population once believed quiescent and nonthreatening.

Shockingly, the War on Terror has morphed into a mini-civil war, and it's posing major new challenges to its prosecution. We're now battling our own citizens. How do we deal with wartime traitors? Can the CIA assassinate them? Can it spy on them? What about their civil rights?

This muddies an already muddy war — and it's all part of al-Qaida's plan.

After 9/11, the group vowed to convert our own people against us, something once thought impossible. But it's managed to groom a startling number of American citizens and residents and install them in top leadership slots, including:

• Adnan Shukrijumah: The long-time Florida resident, who obtained a green card while living in the U.S. for more than 15 years, has replaced 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammad as chief of al-Qaida's terror operations.

Believed to be directing U.S. terrorist cells from Pakistan, Shukrijumah, 35, recently was indicted as a conspirator in last year's plot to blow up the New York subway. There's a $5 million reward for his capture.

• Adam Gadahn: The California-born Muslim convert assists Shukrijumah and Osama bin Laden as al-Qaida's chief propagandist. He tailors the group's message to American Muslims, as well as disaffected minorities ripe for conversion.

In 2006, Gadahn invoked U.S. Muslims to attack military bases, singling out California's Camp Pendleton as a candidate for "a shooting spree." Three years later, a Muslim soldier went on a shooting spree at Fort Hood. Gadahn, 31, praised the attack and urged more.

The first American to be charged with treason in 50 years, Gadahn is hiding in Pakistan with a $1 million bounty on his head.

• Anwar Awlaki: Articulate and media savvy, the American-born cleric is al-Qaida's top recruiter of Western suicide cells.

Awlaki has recruited or radicalized countless homegrown terrorists, including the Fort Hood shooter and the Times Square bomber, both English-speaking citizens. Authorities also believe he ordered the Christmas airliner attack, which puts Awlaki in the middle of the last three major terror acts on U.S. soil.

Thought to be bin Laden's heir, Awlaki has called on American Muslims to turn against their government, and has even justified killing American civilians. "Jihad against America is binding on every other (American) Muslim," he said.

The 39-year-old Awlaki lived in the U.S. for 21 years before fleeing to Yemen after 9/11. Treasury last month designated him a "key leader of al-Qaida" and froze his assets. He's also on the CIA's terrorist hit list.

• Samir Khan: A U.S. citizen who grew up in New York and Charlotte, N.C., the Web-savvy 24-year-old is now in Yemen helping Awlaki target American audiences as al-Qaida's newest propagandist.

Khan is editor of al-Qaida's splashy new organ, "Inspire," a Webzine that provides jihadists step-by-step instructions in English on making bombs that can elude bomb-sniffing dogs.

• Omar Hammami: The ex-Baptist convert to Islam grew up in the Alabama suburbs before joining al-Qaida.

He's now, at 25, a field commander in Somalia, another key al-Qaida hot spot, where he's recruiting and training U.S. jihadists. His trainees include dozens of Minneapolis college kids, including one who earned the dubious title, "first American suicide bomber."

This new cadre of al-Qaida leaders is enlisting a growing faction of the U.S. Muslim community, many of them African-American and white converts who don't fit the Arab terrorist profile. As many as three dozen U.S. converts are said to have gone through al-Qaida training in Yemen, where they've received Awlaki's blessing. They reportedly include blond-haired, blue-eyed types — fitting a profile of Americans that al-Qaida in the past could only dream of recruiting.

Its recruiting effort is made all the easier by some 15,000 jihadi Web sites — 80% of which are operating off servers based inside the U.S. Across the country, moreover, mosques and Islamic bookstores sell Awlaki's recorded sermons as CD box sets. It's all protected "free speech."

"Jihad is becoming as American as apple pie," Awlaki boasts. More and more, he warns, terror attacks will come "from within" — even within our own military.

Meanwhile, the so-called moderates of the Muslim establishment are sitting on their hands. Major Muslim groups have refused to cooperate in terror probes until the FBI backs off mosques. Their cold war turned hot last fall, when a Muslim leader in Detroit died in a shoot-out with agents, triggering outcry throughout the Muslim community.

It's just a matter of time before a homegrown nut inspired by a radical mosque or Web site overcomes their bomb-making learning curve and successfully detonates one, blowing up a building or a mall or a plane inside America. And then we'll all wonder why more wasn't done to shut down these sites. Of course, by then we'll be sweeping up the remains of victims, and it will be too late.

"America cannot and will not win," Awlaki hisses. With Washington running from the war, disengaging from an enemy that now counts our own citizens among its senior ranks, we cannot afford to dismiss his words as bluster.

• Sperry, formerly IBD Washington bureau chief, is a Hoover Institution media fellow and author of "Infiltration" and "Muslim Mafia."

And yes, things will get a lot worse before they get better, if they ever do…

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Pledging to the United States with the wrong hand!!!

Is this just a small mistake??? and why do they look so upset? Are they resenting the fact that they have to pledge allegiance to the United States of America? What do you think?

If you look at the picture for 5 seconds you will also see a sign by demostrators in Tel Aviv, Israel asking Obama to help them.
Mental Illness is not only spreading in the United States, it looks like it has hit a global high.

I've got to keep on smiling :)
what do you think?

Monday, June 14, 2010

Friday, May 21, 2010

Obama Puts Israel In......Corner of Destruction

Sara Honig's article tells it like it is. If Israel is not going to do anything right now they will soon find themselves in  "Auschwitz borders" and "Nuked by Iran"
1. Israel is going to be blocked into 1948 boarders

2. Israel is soon going to get the nuked by Iran.

It certainly is not one or the other, I say its both, but Sara Honig says its one or the other and she is very eloquent, so here is her article from the Jerusalem Post.
Another Tack: Either way, you’re dead!

By SARAH HONIG, 07/05/2010

We can avoid Iranian nukes by opting for the Auschwitz borders or we can avoid the Auschwitz borders but be bullied by Iranian nukes.

Time to quit quibbling. No pedantic hairsplitting can mitigate the evidence: The Obama administration cynically links Iran to the Arab-Israeli conflict. The premise is simple and chilling. If Israel wants a last-minute, last-ditch, quasi-credible American move to keep Iran from obtaining nukes, it must pay the piper by making hefty concessions to the sham paraded as the Palestinian Authority. Boiled down to its bare essence, the White House diktat means that Israel can maybe extricate itself from existential Iranian threats by submitting itself to existential Iranian-proxy threats.

Had Barack Obama ever read Shalom Aleichem’s autobiography he’d have encountered the author’s harrowing recollection of the story his grandfather told him about “the bird-Jew.” That was how the grandfather referred to Noah, a pious innkeeper who lived in constant dread of the gentile village squire. Trembling, Noah headed for the manor to renew his lease. His timing was off, because the courtyard was full of festive guests ready to go hunting.

The squire, in a jovial mood, agreed to renew the lease if Noah would climb the stable roof and pretend to be a bird, so he could shoot him. Fearful of angering the nobleman, the worst consequence the Jew could imagine, Noah obsequiously did his bidding. He went up and, as ordered, bent forward, flung his arms sideways and assumed a birdlike pose. At that point the squire fired and Noah fell, as any slain bird would.

Although realizing he was about to be put to death anyway, the bird-Jew played along with his executioner, still absurdly terrified of what might happen if he didn’t. Obama is the proverbial squire in our own tale, casting Israel as the latter-day bird-Jew.

Israel is now squarely in Obama’s gun sights. It’s blamed for all Mideast ills. Obama, after all, is the high priest of the political theology of American/Western guilt. Israel embodies Western culpability. If Obama preaches American penance vis-à-vis Arabs/Muslims, Israel obviously must atone in more than words for the sins he ascribes to it.

It’s in this context that we ought to examine Gen. David Petraeus’s statement last month to the Senate Armed Services Committee. More than hinting that Israel puts American lives at risk, he wrote that the Arab-Israeli “conflict foments anti-American sentiment, due to a perception of US favoritism for Israel. Arab anger over the Palestinian question limits the strength and depth of US partnerships with governments and peoples” of the region “and weakens the legitimacy of moderate regimes in the Arab world. Meanwhile, al-Qaida and other militant groups exploit that anger to mobilize support. The conflict also gives Iran influence in the Arab world through its clients, Lebanese Hizbullah and Hamas.”

The subtext is unavoidable: Neutralize the Israeli irritant and all will be hunky-dory.

The latest stooge in the Obama fool’s errand to assuage Muslim animus is the president’s national security adviser, Gen. James Jones. He told the Washington Institute for Near East Policy that “one of the ways Iran exerts influence in the Middle East is by exploiting the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict. Advancing peace would... help prevent Iran from cynically shifting attention away from its failures to meet its obligations.”

Dutifully following their boss’s lead, both Tweedledum and Tweedledee know whom to fault. And said boss, while painting himself as Israel’s loyal ally, insisted at a recent press conference that resolving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was “a vital national security interest of the United States.” For those who failed to get his point, Obama honed it: The conflict is “costing us significantly in terms of blood and treasure.”

PATRIOTIC AMERICANS are now told insidiously that by not bowing down to Obama’s ultimatums Israel jeopardizes the lives of American troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. When depicting a pacified Mideast as a “vital national security interest” that must be secured, the “peeved” Obama puts Israel on notice that he will shove a solution down its intransigent throat.

The nature of his cure is determined by his diagnosis, which in turn is colored by his perception of democracy’s foes as frustrated potential friends. In Obama’s universe, it’s the West’s haughty insensitivity which sparks Arab/Muslim hostility. Islamic expansionism and exclusionism aren’t problems but cultural assets for America. Consequently democratic Israel must sacrifice its self-preservation to facilitate appeasement of Muslims sworn to annihilate the Jewish state.

Obama’s radical worldview places the onus on the victim. Its corollary contention is that were the aggressor’s grievances redressed, all would be hunky-dory.

The great American silent majority may not be fully aware of Obama’s dangerous undertones. Many of his Jewish voters willfully prefer not to understand. They’d rather not admit liability for their political folly – a common psychological shortcoming.

So we Israelis are left alone. It’s up to us not to be bamboozled.

While the current US administration calls the shots, there is no Israeli-American alliance we can remotely count on. Obama will do nothing whatever to even diminish the danger of an Iranian nuclear threat against Israel. Otherwise he wouldn’t have frittered valuable time for more than a year, twiddling his thumbs. The sanctions Obama proposes are preposterously useless anyhow and further diluting them to win Chinese and Russian acquiescence would make them altogether laughable. China and Russia, let’s not forget, are Iran’s principal enablers. Obama knows this.

Had Obama wanted to effectively deal with Iran’s rogue regime, he’d need no allies. America could have unilaterally declared stringent sanctions, imposed them on prime trading partners and enforced an air-and-sea blockade that few would have dared breach. No military attack would be required.

But that’s not Obama’s agenda. We must suspect that he desires a nuclear Iran to render Israel more vulnerable, pitiably dependent and pliable, thereby facilitating his envisioned great rapprochement with the Muslim world.

Obama’s endgame is to debilitate, demoralize and destabilize Israel. All he offers Israelis is a choice of how his inimical goal will be achieved. This may be via allowing Iran the weaponry with which to intimidate Israel or by shrinking Israel into the Auschwitz borders (as ultra-dove Abba Eban called the 1949 armistice lines into which Obama schemes to squeeze us).

We can avoid Iranian nukes by opting for the Auschwitz borders or we can avoid the Auschwitz borders but be bullied by Iranian nukes. The unspoken signal from Washington is: Either way, you’re dead. Yet we are somehow supposed to refrain from saying so lest we upset Obama even more.

Our steadfast striving not to incur more wrath makes just about as much sense as it did for the two Jews in the following variation on the bird-Jew theme. These Jews faced a firing squad. One of them cursed the executioner who offered him a blindfold. The other was horrified and exclaimed in trepidation: “Why are you making him angry? You’re going to get us killed!”

Here is what Nautikos had to say about it:
Sarah Honig’s piece is a very clear and straightforward analysis of Obama’s Israel policy, as seen from the point of view of an Israeli who is neither inclined to mince words by nature, nor feels compelled to do so for ‘political’ reasons

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Are You Going To Help?

Or are you going to sit around and do nothing until its too late?
Please put your energy to work towards saving our country, and bringing it back to the freedom we all love so much,
sign in,
put your remark
pass it along
and write and article to join the club.
Let's put our head together and help win!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A Dangerous Silence

Where is the outrage of Israel’s supporters as Obama changes the US-Israel relationship into one of no trust.

By ED KOCH  (former Mayor of New York City)
Democrat and Liberal
I weep as I witness outrageous verbal attacks and distortions on Israel. What makes them all the more painful is that they are being orchestrated by President Barack Obama.

For me, the situation today recalls what occurred in 70 CE, when the Roman emperor Vespasian launched a military campaign against the Jewish nation. Masada became the last refuge of the Jewish people, and the Jews of Masada committed suicide rather than let themselves be taken captive.

In Rome itself, I have seen the Arch of Titus with the sculpture showing enslaved Jews and the treasures of the Temple including the menora – the symbol of the Jewish state – being carted away as booty.

Oh, you may say, that is a far fetched analogy. Please hear me out.

The most recent sacking of the Old City of Jerusalem – its Jewish Quarter – took place under the Jordanians in 1948 in the first war between the Jews and at least five Muslim states – Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Iraq. At that time, Jordan conquered east Jerusalem and the West Bank and expelled every Jew living in the Jewish Quarter, destroying every building, including the synagogues, and expelling from every part of Judea and Samaria every Jew living there, so that for the first time in thousands of years, the old walled city and the adjacent West Bank were judenrein – a term used by the Nazis to indicate the forced removal or murder of all Jews.

I AM not a religious person. I am comfortable in a synagogue, but generally attend only twice a year. One is a Jew first by birth and then by religion. Those who leave their religion remain Jews forever by virtue of their birth. If they don’t think so, let them ask their neighbors.

My support for the Jewish state has been long and steadfast. Never have I thought that I would leave the US to live in Israel. My loyalty and love is first to the US which has given me, the son of Polish Jewish immigrants, so much. But I have also long been cognizant of the fact that every night when I went to sleep in safety, there were Jewish communities around the world in danger. And there was one country, Israel, that would give them sanctuary and would send its soldiers to deliver them from evil, as it did at Entebbe in 1976.

I weep today because my president, Barack Obama, in a few weeks has changed the relationship between the US and Israel from that of closest of allies to one in which there is an absence of trust. The contrast between how the president and his administration deals with Israel and how it has decided to deal with the Karzai administration in Afghanistan is striking.

The Karzai administration, which operates a corrupt and opium-producing state, refuses to change its corrupt ways – the president’s brother is believed by many to run the drug traffic – and shows utter contempt for the US, yet is being hailed by the Obama administration as an ally and publicly treated with dignity. Karzai recently even threatened to join the Taliban if we don’t stop making demands on him.

Nevertheless, The New York Times of April 10 reported “...that Mr. Obama had sent Mr. Karzai a thank-you note expressing gratitude to the Afghan leader for dinner in Kabul. ‘It was a respectful letter,’ General Jones said.”

On the other hand, our closest ally has been demeaned and slandered, held responsible by the administration for our problems in Afghanistan, Iraq and elsewhere in the Middle East. The plan I suspect is to so weaken the resolve of the Jewish state that it will be much easier to impose an American plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leaving Israel’s needs for security in the lurch.

I BELIEVE Obama’s policy is to create a whole new relationship with Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq as a counter to Iran, which we are now prepared to see in possession of a nuclear weapon. If throwing Israel under the bus is needed to accomplish this alliance, so be it.

I am shocked by the lack of outrage on the part of Israel’s supporters. The members of AIPAC, the chief pro-Israel lobbying organization in Washington, gave Secretary of State Hillary Clinton a standing ovation after she had carried out Obama’s instructions and, in a 43-minute phone call, angrily hectored Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.

Members of both the House and Senate have made pitifully weak statements against Obama’s mistreatment of Israel, if they made any at all. The Democratic members, in particular, are simply afraid to criticize him.

What bothers me most is the shameful silence by community leaders – Jew and Christian. Where are they?

If this were a civil rights matter, the Jews would be in the mall in Washington protesting with and on behalf of our fellow Americans. I asked one prominent Jewish leader why no one is preparing a march on Washington similar to the one in 1963, at which I was present and Martin Luther King’s memorable speech was given? His reply was “50 people might come.”

Remember the 1930s? Few stood up. Remember the most insightful statement of Rabbi Hillel: “If I am not for myself, who is for me? And if I am only for myself, what am I? And if not now, when?”

We have indeed stood up for everyone else. When will we stand up for our brothers and sisters in the Jewish state of Israel?

If Obama is seeking to build a siege ramp around Israel, the Jews of modern Israel will not commit suicide. They are willing to negotiate a settlement with the Palestinians, but will not allow themselves to be bullied into following self-destructive policies.

To those who call me an alarmist, I reply that I’ll be happy to apologize if I am proven wrong. But those who stand silently by and watch the Obama administration abandon Israel, to whom will they apologize?

(The writer is a former New York City mayor.)

Silence, always the silence – caused either by apathy, ignorance or fear…

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Israel Visiting ObamaLand

ObamaLand: as Hussein Barak Obama himself Rejects Israel and blames them for the disruption of the peace talks. Hussein Obama refuses to meet with Isreali Prime minister Netanyahu. Obama did not want to take a chance that someone, anyone may interpret it to mean that he maybe will support Israel a tiny little bit. On the other hand he bows down to the Saudi Arabia King who is not exactly a good friend of the United States. A king, that allows Alcada to grow and prosper in his country with his money.

Hey Obama: Remember Alcada? They killed Americans and celebrated the occasion. Oh yea you forgot about that, yes we know.

(old news you say? well everything he has learned is now coming out in his behavior.)--

Funny how; the Israeli community in the United States voted for Obama and threw a huge party when he was elected. Is the Israeli community insane? To elect the man that would be responsible for the destruction of Israel (if he could) reminds me of the fact that, not a small amount, of jews in Germany voted for Hitler. What did they think? That now that they voted for him, he was not going to kill them? Well! He killed them first.

Husein Barak Obama hates Israel, and Hates Jews! He will continue show his true feelings as time goes on and he is forced to make decisions on Israel and the Jewish people.

How can I state it so boldly and so unequivocally?

This is what my prediction is based on, plus my strong intuition.

1. Remember his good friend and trusted allie Reverend Right?

a. Rev Right is always wrong

b. Rev Right hates Israel and the Jews. This is just a matter of fact. Here is a little glimps at his view on jews. If Hussein Barak Obama does not agree with him, how could he have sat for 20 twenty years and listen to the following words without standing up and saying hey....
Quotes from the good reverend

““Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me,” Wright told the paper."

“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost.” (Sep 2001)  What??? Who is the terrorist in the equasion of the middle east? The Palestenians are throwing bombs every day. They claim that they will destroy Israel. The teach their children how to become suicide bombers and kill Jews. Who is the terrorist?

More of the big reverend's thoughts:
“The Israelis have illegally occupied Palestinian territories for over 40 years now. Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community and wake up Americans concerning the injustice and the racism under which the Palestinians have lived because of Zionism.”

This is just a little bittie glimps into the true feelings of Husein Barak Obama’s good friend and spiritual guide. If anybody still thinks, based on this fact alone that Obama does not hate jews, than they can research all the wonderful hate mongering that reverend wright who is always wrong has posted all over the place.

So how could it cause anything but pain when Jews all over the united states vote someone who hates them into office?

I just would like an answer to that. If you got the answer, please tell me!!!

2. Hussein refuses to meet in public with the Israeli Prime Minister.

3. Hussein Obama visits the middle east, but pretends that Israel does not exist. Never mentions the fact that he is ignoring Isreal.

Next step

Hussein Obama will implement sanctions against Israel and begin a campaign to destroy Israel publicly.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

ObamaCare the Myth and the Reality

must see:

The big argument given by the ObamaPeople is that everybody deserves to have health care. I don't have a problem with that. I deserve to have health care as well. But this bill is not going to accomplish good health care for anyone.

ObamaPeople want us to believe that the government can function as Big Brother embracing his love throughout his subject and providing all with everything they need.

Medical, Medicare and Social Security is now provided by Big Brother, how great are their services?

here is a great little piece of visual that I love. ObamaPeople are working hard to have it removed. I suggest you watch it before they succeed.

Friday, April 2, 2010

OBAMA is begining to show his true colors.

But it's only the begining, get ready for he has taken his gloves off and is ready to now show us who he is. But not yet completley. If  he gets elected for a second term, that is when you will see the gangster come out in full force.

As for now, his natural state of being a gangster is slipping into his lingo as he spits out his attitude towards his opposing party "Bring it on" he says
In case you are not familiar with gang-speak, that is the lingo of a street fighter.
Yes, our president, The Street Fighter.

To see his cockey attitude you can watch his interview with a friendly interviewer that supports him. If you read between the lines you will see the writing on the wall.

Obama has promised over and over again that he will bring both parties together. When asked why he has done the exact opposite his reply was.

The party that looses power is just impossible. They  just can't accept the fact that they are not in power.

lol, and to think that people are still buying his game. Every single thing he promised he would do, he did not do. And now with ObamaCare down our throats, he pretty much thinks he can do anything he wants. For now, it looks like he can, so we can sit back and watch him strip our liberty away one step at a time, dont forget "The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen" ObamaCare has just made us at least 50% smaller than before!!!!

In case you want to see more here is another clip.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Obama Care Is In town

                 Lion, Lying





In the dark hours of the night Obamacare was shoved right down our throat. Like it or not you will be paying for medical insurance. Like it or not you will be getting the kind of medical insurance that only government care can provide. If you want to know how well you will be taken care of, just ask anybody that has been on welfare, they will let you know how well they have been taken care of.

The U.S. Chamber of commerce realized how the ObamaCare is going to destroy small business and is not going to improve our quality of life. Therefore, they took the time and effort to expose the ObamaCare for what it was. In retaliation the ObamaMob had to spread rumors and destroy their credibility. Here is the Chamber having to defend themselves against the lies and ObamaMob attacks.

Myth: The U.S. Chamber opposed health care reform and wants to maintain the status quo.

Fact: Supporters of the current legislation in Congress want you to believe that any group which opposes any aspect of reform opposes all reform. This is not true; as Bruce Josten said "American employers and employees want an improvement in the nation's health care system, not an unsustainable, unaffordable overhaul."

Health reform is critical to the business community - businesses voluntarily pay over $500 billion every year for employees' health insurance, and cannot afford the cost increases. We support reforming the health system with three simple steps that, at low cost to taxpayers, could make the insurance system work for everyone (thereby increasing access for the uninsured), improve our health care delivery system, and make serious progress toward controlling costs.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Obama Care is Coming To Town

Let us get ready for ObamaCare. "Every American deserves Medical Care" Yes, they do. Yes we Do! However, what are we really getting with ObamaCare. We are going to get a watered down care system that does not take care of its patients. Medical today is a horrible care that people who qualify will receive. They dont have to pay for it, but at least they get some sort of care, and we the tax payers pay for it.

From now on, if Obama Care is going to be a success, than Medical kind of care is going to be a luxury beacause the mainstream care is going to be much less than that. To make it worse they will also make us pay for it, force us to pay for it.

Doctors should at least stand up and bring to light all the details of the plan.
Where is the transparency that we were promised Mr. Obama?
"Yes we can" ask for some sort of accountability.