ObamaLand: as Hussein Barak Obama himself Rejects Israel and blames them for the disruption of the peace talks. Hussein Obama refuses to meet with Isreali Prime minister Netanyahu. Obama did not want to take a chance that someone, anyone may interpret it to mean that he maybe will support Israel a tiny little bit. On the other hand he bows down to the Saudi Arabia King who is not exactly a good friend of the United States. A king, that allows Alcada to grow and prosper in his country with his money.
Hey Obama: Remember Alcada? They killed Americans and celebrated the occasion. Oh yea you forgot about that, yes we know.
(old news you say? well everything he has learned is now coming out in his behavior.)--
Funny how; the Israeli community in the United States voted for Obama and threw a huge party when he was elected. Is the Israeli community insane? To elect the man that would be responsible for the destruction of Israel (if he could) reminds me of the fact that, not a small amount, of jews in Germany voted for Hitler. What did they think? That now that they voted for him, he was not going to kill them? Well! He killed them first.
Husein Barak Obama hates Israel, and Hates Jews! He will continue show his true feelings as time goes on and he is forced to make decisions on Israel and the Jewish people.
How can I state it so boldly and so unequivocally?
This is what my prediction is based on, plus my strong intuition.
1. Remember his good friend and trusted allie Reverend Right?
a. Rev Right is always wrong
b. Rev Right hates Israel and the Jews. This is just a matter of fact. Here is a little glimps at his view on jews. If Hussein Barak Obama does not agree with him, how could he have sat for 20 twenty years and listen to the following words without standing up and saying hey....
Quotes from the good reverend
““Them Jews ain't going to let him talk to me,” Wright told the paper."
“We have supported state terrorism against the Palestinians and black South Africans, and now we are indignant because the stuff we have done overseas is now brought right back to our own front yards. America’s chickens are coming home to roost.” (Sep 2001) What??? Who is the terrorist in the equasion of the middle east? The Palestenians are throwing bombs every day. They claim that they will destroy Israel. The teach their children how to become suicide bombers and kill Jews. Who is the terrorist?
More of the big reverend's thoughts:
“The Israelis have illegally occupied Palestinian territories for over 40 years now. Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community and wake up Americans concerning the injustice and the racism under which the Palestinians have lived because of Zionism.”
This is just a little bittie glimps into the true feelings of Husein Barak Obama’s good friend and spiritual guide. If anybody still thinks, based on this fact alone that Obama does not hate jews, than they can research all the wonderful hate mongering that reverend wright who is always wrong has posted all over the place.
So how could it cause anything but pain when Jews all over the united states vote someone who hates them into office?
I just would like an answer to that. If you got the answer, please tell me!!!
2. Hussein refuses to meet in public with the Israeli Prime Minister.
3. Hussein Obama visits the middle east, but pretends that Israel does not exist. Never mentions the fact that he is ignoring Isreal.
Next step
Hussein Obama will implement sanctions against Israel and begin a campaign to destroy Israel publicly.
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