Friday, April 2, 2010

OBAMA is begining to show his true colors.

But it's only the begining, get ready for he has taken his gloves off and is ready to now show us who he is. But not yet completley. If  he gets elected for a second term, that is when you will see the gangster come out in full force.

As for now, his natural state of being a gangster is slipping into his lingo as he spits out his attitude towards his opposing party "Bring it on" he says
In case you are not familiar with gang-speak, that is the lingo of a street fighter.
Yes, our president, The Street Fighter.

To see his cockey attitude you can watch his interview with a friendly interviewer that supports him. If you read between the lines you will see the writing on the wall.

Obama has promised over and over again that he will bring both parties together. When asked why he has done the exact opposite his reply was.

The party that looses power is just impossible. They  just can't accept the fact that they are not in power.

lol, and to think that people are still buying his game. Every single thing he promised he would do, he did not do. And now with ObamaCare down our throats, he pretty much thinks he can do anything he wants. For now, it looks like he can, so we can sit back and watch him strip our liberty away one step at a time, dont forget "The bigger the government, the smaller the citizen" ObamaCare has just made us at least 50% smaller than before!!!!

In case you want to see more here is another clip.

1 comment:

  1. I watch Obama speak, He screams like the "fuhrer" use to, He waves his hands in the air like a dictator. He showed Americans "hope" and "change" most Americans didn't expect the hope and change he brings on. Obama mislead the american people. Obama will NEVER serve a second term.
